
About me

In the last 20 years I have been working in several fields: as a coach and trainer for communication, creativity, body language and stage presence for corporations as Lufthansa Aviation Training, Kuraray Europe, Airbus Group, Hochschule für Finanzwirtschaft & Management GmbH as well as for GRADE Graduate Academy of Goethe University, schools and cultural Institutions as Staedel Museum.

As an entrepreneur and a franchisee, I successfully built up, managed and, after 10 years, sold two Stagecoach schools, Frankfurt-Südost and Dreieich, which trained over 180 kids and teenagers per year. I was responsible for staff recruitment, theatre production, pedagogical supervision, marketing and customer communication.

I understand what it's like to feel trapped in a role, whether professionally or privately. I myself have experienced how liberating it is to try out new roles, gain a deep understanding of my own behavioural patterns, modify my behaviour and strengthen my authentic self in the process.

My husband and I manage our family, in Frankfurt, which includes two teenagers and a cat! 

Lenka Wolf, wearing a yellow poncho and looking relaxed to the left.
Certification Badge: CPCC Certified Co-Active Professional Coach
Certified Co-Active® Coach


I have been trained as a Coach by the Co-Active Training Institute, and have a Diploma in Translation - German/Spanish/French - from the University of Leipzig.

Tomy theatre background: Acting Studies at Escuela de Arte Teatral in Madrid, a Master in Theatre Studies from the Universities of Leipzig, Scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service for Postgraduate Studies in Cultural Anthropology at University of Seville, and a Diploma in Theatre Education from Heidelberg Theater Akademie.

My purpose

As a coach, entrepreneur and mother, I want to contribute to making the world of work more human in the age of digitalisation and artificial intelligence.
I also want to empower leaders and teams to deepen their human skills; to lead and create empathically, authentically and creatively.


A selection of companies and clients I have worked for so far:

  • Airbus Group
  • aroma:ID Offenbach
  • Bildungsurlaub für Evangelischer Regionalverband Frankfurt
  • Consilia cct: create Culture together, Frankfurt
  • European Central Bank Frankfurt
  • Evangelische Jugendsozialarbeit Bayern e.V.
  • Frankfurt University for Applied Science
  • Gemeinnützige Hertiestiftung Frankfurt
  • GRADE, (Post-)Graduiertenakademie der Goethe Universität Frankfurt
  • Hyundai Frankfurt
  • Interkulturelle Sommerakademie Jena, interculture e.V. Universität Jena
  • KfW Bankengruppe, Frankfurt
  • Kunsthalle Schirn Frankfurt
  • Kuraray Europe GmbH
  • Landesverband Jugendkunstschulen in Hessen e.V.
  • Lufthansa Aviation Training GmbH (ehemals Lufthansa Flight Training)
  • Pawlik Consultants
  • Senckenberg, Naturkundemuseum Frankfurt
  • Sparkassen Hochschule für Finanzwirtschaft & Management GmbH
  • Städel Museum Frankfurt
  • Stagecoach Performing Arts Schools GmbH
  • Starke Stücke Theaterfestival Rhein-Main